Invoices have been sent
Invoices have been sent

invoices have been sent


Comment: Clicking over the "click to edit" text allows you to enter a free text comment that will show on the invoice list view.Status: Invoices can have a status of Paid, Not Yet Paid, or Partially Paid (only shown when no charge or not billable items are included on the invoice).Total cost: This is the total cost of the invoice.Payment Numbers: The payment number(s) selected to pay the invoice.The beginning of the invoice number defaults to core initials but can be modified in the Invoices Settings.‍

invoices have been sent

Invoice Number: This is an auto generated unique number generated by iLab.You can select a new invoice owner if the person listed is incorrect. You can click over the name of the person and a list of all possible invoice owners will display. Invoice Owner: This is the person that the invoice will be sent to.Lab and Institution: This area tells you which Lab and Institution the invoice is for.Check the box next to the invoice(s), or click the top box to select all. Invoice Checkboxes: Prior to the above action buttons working, you must select the invoices you wish to include.csv data, and email admins with access to this invoices.


  • Bulk Action buttons: Allow you to get PDF of Invoices, download all invoices as.
  • Click on the arrow to the left of the name to see the options, select how you would like to filter an click 'Apply Filters'.
  • Filters: The filters allow you to pull up invoices within specific parameters.
  • There are a few bulk actions that may be taken on an invoice: Invoices can be viewed individually and managed from this view.īefore sending invoices, you will want to review the invoice list to make sure no changes need to be made.
  • Invoice List: Shows a list of all invoices that are part of the billing event.
  • Bulk Invoice Mailer: This is the area where you can choose who should receive a copy of the invoice and have the ability to bulk email the invoices.
  • The invoices tab can be found by entering a single billing event on the Billing Tab. The invoices tab is broken into two main sections. You have several actions available when preparing to send out invoices. Using the invoices link on the Billing Tab, you can view, download, manage and bulk send invoices.
  • Collaboration on Requests and ReservationsĬreating a billing event will automatically generate new invoices.
  • Managing Collaboration on Requests and Reservation.
  • Creating and Managing Sample Request Forms.

  • Invoices have been sent